Sunday, July 8, 2007

My little monkey

Kate loves to go to the mom and tot morning at the local gymnastics center. We usually go with her best friend, Grace and her mom, Aimee. They have a blast on the trampoline, hanging from the bars and jumping into the foam pit. Here they are swinging from the bar which Kate loves. Believe it or not, Grace was having as much fun as Kate but we couldn't get her to smile. We would take her off the bar and she would want to get right back on.

I never would've thought a few years ago that I would be having so much fun as a stay at home mom, but Kate is the best thing that ever happened to me. She will give me these funny looks just to make me laugh and then get all happy when I do. She's a little clown. Last night, she was putting the wrong end of her fork in her mouth and bouncing it up and down and looking at us with this look that said "why aren't you laughing at me?" Of course we did and she accomplished her mission.


Gracie Lou said...

Grace loves having Kate in her life to play with...I am so glad that she has a BFF!

dmarie1975 said...

That looks like so much fun. I wish we had something like that around here.