Friday, May 30, 2008

Seaworld and the zoo!

We just got back from spending three days at Seaworld and the Zoo in San Antonio. We had such a great time. Kate loved feeding the dolphins at Seaworld. Last time we went, she wouldn't even lay on the wall, this time she saw it and said "lay on wall" and ran over and jumped up. We got her the fish and she loved throwing them in the dolphin's mouth.

She loved the splash area. It took her a little while to warm up to it the first day we were there but by the second day, she couldn't wait and was already trying to strip down to her bathing suit as we pulled the stroller up. She ended up getting to do it twice because she played in the sand after the first time and needed a wash down!

I love the picture of her with the pony because she waited patiently until every other kid had pet him and got to spend several minutes with him. She was so happy. I also love the one of her sitting in front of the aquarium because she had been avoiding getting her picture taken. At the aquarium, she said "take my picture", sat down and waited!

At the zoo, her favorite thing was holding a butterfly. We got lucky right off the bat and found one that was willing and she was so proud, holding him gently on her finger. We spent about 10 more minutes trying to no avail to get another one on her finger after that one flew away! At least she got to hold one!

It was sooo hot! The kangaroo picture says it all. It was 100 on our third day and pretty close on the first and second. We were all tired and ready to go home by the end of the third day.

1 comment:

Gracie Lou said...

Very cool! I am so glad you guys had such a wonderful time.